Add a Purchase Order
A Purchase Order is created to document a purchase of Inventory Products from a Vendor . This is a crucial step in making sure that your inventory counts are up-to-date, so that all of the other processes down the line from seed to sale work lik...
Receive a Purchase Order
Once a Purchase Orde r has been ordered, you get to play the waiting game. The Purchase Order will sit patiently in the Purchase Orders Current section until the order arrives. Once the shipment comes in, it's essential that you update the purchase...
Pay a Purchase Order
Once a Purchase Order has been received a payment to the Vendor will need to occur. This can be done directly after receiving or later when actually paid. In this article, you will learn how to pay a Purchase Order. To pay a Purchase Order, follo...
Add & Edit Vendors
Before you can purchase an Inventory Product from a Vendor , you need to add that Vendor to the KLĒR THC system. This article walks you through the steps for adding and editing Vendor information. Add a Vendor To add a Vendor, follow the step...
Add a Conversion Unit
When purchasing a new Inventory Product , you'll often need to purchase the product in the form of one unit of measure (i.e., 10 lb bags) and use it in your recipes or production orders in a different unit (i.e., cups). When this happens, you'll n...