New Articles

  1. Add a Grow Location

    The Grow Location field is used to identify the location and Plant Status of a Plant . Depending on how your organization has set up the Grow Location names, this field will tell you the physical room where a given Plant currently lives, as wel...
  2. Configure a Grow Location

    The Grow Location field is used to identify the location and Plant Status of a Plant . This field will tell you the physical room where a given Plant currently lives as well as whether it's in the "Plant," "Harvest," or "End of Life" phase. The...
  3. Discard or Destroy Plants

    When Plants can no longer be used, you need a way to record all the gory details of their destruction. KLĒR THC makes it easy to preserve the history of your discarded Plants while also removing them from your day-to-day workflows. This article de...
  4. Harvest Plants

    When you harvest a Plant , KLĒR THC needs to know about it! There are a number of ways that a Harvested Plant is treated differently by the system, so it can continue to be tracked along its path from seed to sale. Before a Grow Batch can be ha...
  5. Add a Grow Batch and Plants

    Grow Batches allow you to track and manage your plants as a group (instead of individually), which helps you to operate more efficiently.  Each Grow Batch has a unique Batch ID , so you can quickly locate and manage the batch you need. Add ...
  6. Add a Strain

    During your initial KLĒR THC setup, your implementation specialist will work with you to get your Strain names and Strain ID s set up exactly the way you need them. However, you may need to add a new Strain later.  This article will detail how to...