Employee Tasks

Tasks can be created and assigned to a specific employee.  To add or view a task assigned to a specific employee, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1 - From the Human Resources module in the Navigation pane, select the Employees section. Then click employee whose task you want to view, edit, or add.

  • Step 2 - To view or edit an existing task, click it from the Task sub-tab.  To add a new task, click the New button.

  • Step 3 - A pop-up window will appear for you to enter task information.  Begin by setting the status.  If the task is to be completed later, set the initial status to Not started.

  • Step 4 - Complete the fields described below in the Task sub-tab.
    • Subject - give the task a brief description to identify it later
    • Contact - choose the contact related to this task
    • Activity - choose from a list of predetermined tasks or select other
    • Start Date - enter the date the employee is able to begin the task
    • Due Date - enter the date the task needs to be completed
    • Percent Completed - if the task is only supposed to be partially completed, enter how much should that employee needs finish
    • Date Completed - this field will auto-populate once the Status is changed to Completed
    • Assigned To Task - choose the employee to complete this task
    • Assigned - this field will auto-populate to the current date

  • Step 5 - The additional Info sub-tab is where you can enter and view information about the creation and editing of the task itself.

  • Step 6 - Enter a detailed description of what the employee needs to do to complete the task.  

  • Step 7 - The time clock section will auto-populate when an employee completes the task and marks it as completed.  You can also enter the employee's time manually by clicking the New button.

  • Step 8 - Click one of the Save options.